Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Cultural Safety of The Nurses Practices †

Question: Talk about theCultural Safety of The Nurses Practices. Answer: Fearlessness as the way of life Fearlessness or confidence will be identified with the social security of the attendants rehearses. It will furnish the medical caretakers with social affectability. It will likewise forestall the negative observations and will empower them to take part in experienced assistance Intelligent practice by utilizing Gibbs intelligent model This model will in this manner bolster the medical caretakers to work with self-assurance in the general condition. This will be basic to build up the social act of the self-assurance among the attendants. Portrayal Fearlessness as a culture will shape the region of thenursing calling among the medical attendants. It will permit the medical caretakers to put them prevalent in their assignments, see the world in a devoted way. The medical caretakers ought to have the trust on their own capacities and characteristics and play out any assignment without any problem. The nature of self character will empower to play out their obligations in socially skilled way. The individual culture of self-assurance will help in their expert practice. Sentiments Since the character goes about as the social acknowledgment, there ought not be any negative acknowledgment of the self personality perspective. The fearlessness implies a great deal to the medical attendants. This is on the grounds that it will give a sentiment of individual fulfillment and will likewise help the patients by furnishing them with best quality administrations. The administrations are to be given regardless of the individual sexual orientation, occupation, financial status, ethnic foundations, movement. Assessment Assessment of self-assurance indicated that this code of callings rehearsed by the medical attendants is exceptionally useful. The attendants must utilize this self character in their training since it will assist them with managing any basic circumstance in regards to the distinctions in societies. The medical caretakers must be prepared and assessed to see that their self-assurance is available. So as to accomplish self-assurance the medical attendants must set their objectives and be spurred. Self-assurance in any work will assist with satisfying the standards of the social security in wide range. Examination Thenursing and birthing assistance committee code of expert direct expresses that fearlessness will n be helpful to give the best quality administrations to the patient in any condition. This is likewise fundamental in advancement of the learning among the medical attendants. This will assist with perceiving the distinctions and similarly acknowledge the decent variety in human conduct and social structure. End Self-assurance as a part of self character will be useful for the medical caretakers to regard all the conduct of the various individuals. This will assist with settling powerful and impartial help. Activity plan Social wellbeing learning will remember the result of the self-assurance for the nursing practice. They should guarantee and show the adaptability in the relationship with individuals who are not quite the same as themselves. Fearlessness and confidence will likewise give energy in the social fitness in medicinal services. As a wavetool As a wavetool, I will remain in the situation to be skillful enough to give top notch human services to all the socially various individuals in extraordinary manners. With confidence and certainty I may incite the equivalent to others. This will be a method of demonstrating admiration to all the individuals with various social foundations. This has assisted with changing a great deal from the past circumstance. Social character likewise is a piece of individual personality. Along these lines adjustment of the individual characteristics will assist them with paying admiration to others convictions (Potter et al, 2016). The new data that I can look for is to know all the social portrayal of the patient that will be dealt with. This should be possible by imparting them if conceivable. From the start, there could be a test while managing contrasts in estimations of others. The individual confidence can impact them and cause them to comprehend a treatment strategy. In some cases the treat ment strategies can hurt others thought and that can be evacuated without anyone else character. In this part the perusing from the Cultural wellbeing in Aotearoa that has helped me to comprehend the ideas of social security (Banks, Kelly, 2015). References Banks, L., Kelly, M. (2015). Social wellbeing and theNursing Council of New Zealand.Cultural Safety in Aotearoa New Zealand, 26. Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P., Hall, A. (2016).Fundamentals of Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Conventional Silver-Based Film Cameras vs Digital Cameras Free Essays

Ordinary silver-based film is as yet the suggested innovation for evidentiary photography or for field applications. These cameras offer the most elevated goals prospects just as the most elevated unique range. They have the best shading range and are the most adaptable of the as of now accessible camera innovation alternatives. We will compose a custom article test on Ordinary Silver-Based Film Cameras versus Digital Cameras or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now Silver-based film is the most strong stockpiling medium also, and is more promptly accessible than video or advanced stockpiling media (â€Å"Guidelines). Goals quality, or the sharpness of detail, is one of the most critical favorable circumstances of silver-based film. The amazingly little estimated silver precious stones for this kind of film permit silver-based film cameras to have an a lot higher goals than advanced cameras. 35mm camera negatives have an estimated goals of 5500 x 3600 pixels, while advanced cameras normally just have a goals of 640 x 480 pixels. That likens to just 1.6 percent of the data that is caught with a silver-based film camera being caught with an advanced camera (â€Å"Guidelines†). There are burdens to utilizing this kind of camera, in any case. First is the requirement for a different handling and printing offices. Likewise, there is a generally long preparing time required for silver-based film. Preparing the film likewise makes naturally perilous side-effects, furthermore the film before handling is delicate to temperature and mugginess changes, just as x-beams. The most outstanding disservice is that it is extremely unlikely for the picture taker to assess the picture promptly, except if moment film is utilized (â€Å"Guidelines†). Points of interest and Disadvantages of Digital Cameras: Advanced cameras offer some unmistakable focal points over different kinds of cameras. The principal advantage they offer the client is the capacity to see the picture in a split second and check that picture is actually what was needed. Also, the picture can be transmitted or imparted to not very many halfway advances. On location picture the executives just as printing are included favorable circumstances, just as more naturally amicable media than film (â€Å"Guidelines†). The weaknesses of advanced cameras, notwithstanding, regularly exceed its favorable circumstances. Computerized cameras require batteries or substitute force supplies to work. This implies there is a negative ecological effect, power must be changed over, and a force gracefully should consistently be accessible. Capacity media, albeit getting all the more promptly accessible, is as yet not accessible generally. Obtaining a picture might be meddled with by electromagnetic fields, and once a picture is gained it might experience a programmed pressure, losing a portion of the detail. Advanced camera equipment and programming are not generally perfect with different makers and there is a requirement for expanded specialized help. In conclusion, as innovation advances there might be an effect on the capacity to get to picture records, when that document position gets obsolete (â€Å"Guidelines†). Points of interest and Disadvantages of Video Cameras: Camcorders have become increasingly more mainstream with the headways in innovation. Camcorders take into consideration an ongoing movement record and the recorder can quickly audit the pictures caught to guarantee they are what was wanted. Like computerized cameras, camcorders can transmit and spread pictures with not very many strides in the middle of and they are more earth well disposed than silver-based film. One of the most noteworthy favorable circumstances to camcorders is their capacity to catch video symbolism as well as sound also (â€Å"Guidelines†). However, there are detriments to this innovation too. Like computerized cameras, camcorders require batteries or an other force gracefully, and these have a negative ecological effect and the accessibility of these influence whether the camcorder can be utilized. Camcorder stockpiling media is likewise liable to harm because of electromagnetic fields, and like computerized cameras, electromagnetic impedance may influence picture procurement. Goals on camcorders is not exactly either advanced or silver-based film cameras and there is constrained shading loyalty. Add to these the test that handheld camcorders need picture soundness and that the weight and versatility of some gear may end up being an issue. Very good quality computerized camcorders are preferable goals over simple cameras (â€Å"Guidelines†). Points of interest and Disadvantages of Hybrid Imaging Systems: Half and half imaging frameworks join silver-based film innovation with advanced innovation. The upsides of this kind of framework is that there is less time to be spent in the darkroom and the camera keeps up the top notch film pictures. With this great, there is as yet the adaptability that accompanies advanced picture handling. Much the same as computerized cameras, pictures can without much of a stretch be moved electronically and can be investigated electronically too. This framework additionally streamlines case-document the board and can utilize an assortment of yield gadgets (â€Å"Guidelines†). There are inconveniences to this framework, be that as it may. There is as yet a requirement for isolated handling and printing offices for the silver-based film, which incorporates the protracted preparing time and the earth unsafe side-effects. Much the same as a normal silver-based film camera, the preprocessed film is delicate and can be harmed by temperature, mugginess and x-beams. What's more, it needs expanded specialized help, dissimilar to a customary silver-based film camera (â€Å"Guidelines†). Sincere belief on Which Camera is Best for Crime Scene Photography: Wrongdoing scene photography requires away from of explicit subtleties that may not stay at the scene. Hence, there is one element that is completely obligatory while thinking about which camera is most appropriate for wrongdoing scene photography. The first is that the camera must have a sufficiently high goals to catch the significant subtleties of the pictures caught. This limits the decisions of the camera down to at that point, either the silver-based film camera or the half breed imaging framework. Obviously when one considers the significance of guaranteeing that all wrongdoing scene features are shot enough, it turns out to be certain that the capacity to survey a picture quickly is a ground-breaking advantage. With this capacity, the picture taker can guarantee that he has caught precisely what he needs on film, without the danger of missing something that will most likely be unable to be shot later. Consequently, the half and half imaging framework has all the earmarks of being the best decision. It not just considers the high goals important to catch significant subtleties, however permits the picture taker moment access to the pictures the person just took, with the goal that they can check that they caught all that they might want. In spite of the fact that this framework has the preparing disadvantages of silver-based film, it likewise has the advantages of having the option to transmit picture documents electronically, just as the upgraded stockpiling and recording. The most effective method to refer to Conventional Silver-Based Film Cameras versus Digital Cameras, Essay models

Friday, August 21, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics on Religion

Argumentative Essay Topics on ReligionThe questions you should be asking yourself when it comes to argumentative essay topics on religion include: What is the best way to learn about Christianity? What are some of the most popular arguments for and against the Bible?Remember, your argumentative essay will be a very important part of your final grade. This is why you must prepare yourself with the proper facts and research before you begin. Also, it is a good idea to take some time and do some research on the topic you're writing about. This may sound like a bunch of work but it's important to be thorough and to make sure you get all the information.Be sure to get references for any information you use as well as books that cover the religious history of the world. If you are writing about Christianity in particular, you may want to check out any popular Christian publications like the New American Bible or Christian Today. These are two great places to start. After you've taken all t he time to research and come up with your facts, you can now go ahead and write your argumentative essay.Some examples of topics to look at when writing an argumentative essay on Christianity include: Does the Bible contain errors? How did Christianity spread? How can we know the true history of Christianity?When starting an argumentative essay on a religious topic, you will have to make a distinction between fact and opinion. When making an argument, make sure that you stand behind your argument and not get bogged down in your personal convictions. It is important to remember that you are not a politician and you don't have to convince the reader of your position.You should be able to be as objective as possible when writing about religious subjects. It is important to remember that arguments for Christianity are not necessarily arguments against Christianity. Therefore, you will have to be certain that you're both on the same page before you begin writing.Remember that every good argumentative essay has a beginning, middle and an end, and therefore, you should remember that the correct order to put things in is 'What, When, Where, Why, Who, and What' where as in this case, where is can also mean 'how.' Also, many different religions share a common theme but don't talk about how these themes originated. This means that you should think about what has to be believed and reasons as to why the theory should be accepted.There are many more topics that can be used to make strong arguments on religion but these are some of the more common ones. It is important to remember that your essay should be an argument for something, not against something.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Who Should Write Your PhD Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are a key part of your application. Strong ones provide meaningful support, and a lukewarm one can really hurt you. In this post we’ll answer two questions: Who should write in support of your PhD application? And how can you make sure your letters are as good as they can be? How to choose the best LOR writers For your PhD application, you need LORs that can address your research experience and potential. Most of your letters, unless you have extensive work experience, should be from academic references. (If you have work experience, you can submit a work reference, but it should also focus on your research potential.) Ask people who know you well and can comment specifically and knowledgeably about your abilities. When you ask your recommenders if they can write in support of your application, ask if they would be able to write you a â€Å"strong† letter. This provides a gentle way for a hesitant recommender to decline – they can let you know that they don’t think they know you well enough to write a â€Å"strong† letter (or you might sense their hesitation), and you can move on to someone else. How to help your recommenders write strong LORs For the recommenders who are able to write for you, offer to supply whatever information will help them: your CV, a draft of your SOP, copies of work you produced for their class, etc. Offer to meet with them to discuss your goals. (They might not have time, but this can make their job easier.) You can also send them a link to Accepteds  10 Tips for Recommenders. Say thank you! And always remember to follow up with a thank you note. (Ideally, you can write another thank you note after you get in, sharing the good news!) You need to choose your PhD letter of recommendation writers wisely, and then you need to present them with the right materials to assist them in constructing strong letters that will represent your greatest strengths. We can help you with this, and with any other element of your PhD application. Check out our catalog of Graduate School Admissions Services and let us know how we can help you achieve PhD admissions success! hbspt.cta.load(58291, 'b9609c35-7031-4740-8979-c1058c46d16a'); By Dr. Rebecca Blustein, former Accepted admissions consultant. Dr. Blustein has a BA and PhD from UCLA in English and Comparative Literature. She formerly worked as a Student Affairs Officer at UCLA’s Scholarship Resource Center where she gained experience guiding applicants in areas of admissions and funding. Dr. Blustein’s clients have been accepted to top Master’s and PhD programs in dozens of fields across all disciplines.  Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Choosing the Best PhD Programs, a free guide †¢ How NOT to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation †¢ Lining Up Letters of Recommendation and Searching for Fellowships

Sunday, May 17, 2020

B. F. Skinner Essay - 1073 Words

B. F. Skinner Burris Frederic Skinner was born on March 20th, 1904 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. His mother, Grace M. Burrhus, was a stenographer and a secretary, in a law office and later in a railroad chief executives office. His father, William A. Skinner, was an attorney, who studied law with another local attorney at a New York Law School. Skinners parents were both good students. His father had bought several sets of books, so there was a lot of reading material their children. Skinner said that his parents never used physical punishment, except for the time they washed his mouth out with soap for bad language. (Ulrich, 1997) B. F. Skinner was very adventurous child. He lead a 300 mile canoe trip down the Susquehanna River when†¦show more content†¦This means that basically- you do something to get a reward. Like Watson, Skinner denied that feelings play any part in determining behavior. Instead, he claimed that the drive to be rewarded determines our behavior. (Demar, 1996) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Some critics feel that operant conditioning was a dangerous technique because Skinner was controlling people and could have manipulated them. In reply to their criticism, Skinner argued that control is not wrong. Control is very important and sometimes unavoidable in education, government, and therapy. (Bijou, 1994) What Skinner objects to is the fact that control is usually used in negative ways which include the use of threat, punishment or to use other people. Skinner argues that because of this, people are against control, because the people in control use their power it in a negative way. For instance, In the family, a child is controlled by the fear of punishment from his parents. In school, the students are placed in a threatening environment in which they can escape only by learning. Our government controls us through laws, rules, and regulations. Skinner claims that what is needed is not less control but better control. Better control could be used if society had adopted his psychological theories. If this where to happen there would be better ways of teaching, better working conditions, and a better system ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on B. F. Skinner802 Words   |  4 PagesB. F. Skinner Burrhus Frederic Skinner, psychologist and behaviorist, was born in Susquhanna, Pennsylvania in 1904 to William Skinner and Grace Burrhus. His father was a lawywer and his mother was a naturally bright woman. Skinner had only one sibling; his brother died at the age of sixteen. Skinner lived most of his life in Susquhanna. He did not leave the house he was born in until he left to go to college. He was raised very close to his grandparents, who had a major impact on his early lifeRead More B. F. Skinner Essay1590 Words   |  7 PagesB.F. Skinner   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B.F. Skinner was one of the most influential theorists in modern psychology. His work was very important and has been studied by many for years. Skinner was a very straightforward man and a very educated man. His theories have helped mankind in many ways. He has studied the behavior patterns of many living organisms. Skinner was a well-published writer. His work has been published in many journals. He also has written many books on behaviorism. His most important work was theRead MoreOperant Conditioning by B. F Skinner1580 Words   |  7 Pagesrealizing it, and most of the time, they don’t know why they do them. Certain reinforcements, some positive, and some negative have conditioned their actions and thoughts. In this essay, I chose Burrhus Frederic Skinner who came up with the theory of operant conditioning. B. F. skinner,(March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990) is an American psychologist who believed that we do have such a thing as a mind, but that it is simply more productive to study observable behavior rather than internal mentalRead MoreIvan Pavlov, John Watson, And B. F. Skinner1272 Words   |  6 Pagesemotional, and environmental influences as playing roles in how we understand the world. With the rise of learning theories, three main theorists stood out, whose works are still in effect today. These theorists were Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, and B. F. Skinner. The theories created by each of these psychologists are still in effect to this day, and laid the groundwork for modern learning theories. Ivan Pavlov was a Russian psychologist born in the 1800’s. He was mainly influenced by the ideas of PisarevRead MoreThe Theory Of Behavioral Learning Theory901 Words   |  4 PagesB. F. Skinner is one of the top psychologist who invented the radical behaviorism and critical psychiatry. B. F. Skinner believed that behavior is maintained from one condition to another through similar or same consequences across situations. Skinner believed that actions followed by a positive effect tend to be repeated, while actions followed by negative effect were not. I believe the behaviorist theory states that individuals develop certain behavior traits based off of their reaction to certainRead MoreCarl Rogers Vs. F. Skinner : Which Perspective Is The Most Important?1419 Words   |  6 Pages Carl Rogers vs B. F. Skinner – Which Perspective is the Most Important? A long-debated argument in the field of Psychology has been which theory or explanation of human behavior is the most important and the most viable. Is B. F. Skinner’s theory that behavior is the result of man’s response to external stimuli or is Carl Rogers’ theory that man’s behavior is the result of his determination to achieve self-actualization the best explanation? After much research and thought, I will argue in favorRead MorePsychology Should Be About Behavior And Not About An Inner Force994 Words   |  4 Pages B.F. Skinner was a psychologist that seemed to go against what many other psychologists thought about personality. He did not believe in personality. In a way, Skinner has a point about personality not existing because we do change our behavior based on the environment we are in. (Olson Hergenhahn, 2011.) Since there is no proof of a personality, I believe that psychology should be about behavior and not about an inner force. I do not believe a person is consistent across time because if theyRead MoreUnderstanding the Psychologist Called Burrhus Frederick Skinner1190 Words   |  5 PagesAssignment 4 Valerie Rountree Walden University Management in Human and Social Development - MGMT 8010 June 28, 2014 Understanding Burrhus Frederic Skinner B. F. Skinner was one of the most influential of American psychologists. A radical behaviorist, he developed the theory of operant conditioning, the idea that behavior is determined by its consequences, be they reinforcements or punishments, which make it more or unlikely that the behavior will be repeated again, (NNDB, 2014)Read MoreEssay Burrhus Frederic Skinner1132 Words   |  5 PagesBurrhus Frederic Skinner People do on a day to day basis, many actions without realizing it, and most of the time, they don’t know why they do them. Certain reinforcements, some positive, and some negative have conditioned their actions and thoughts. All organisms, including humans, are greatly influenced by the consequences produced by their own behavior. The environment holds the key to most of the changes that occur in the way a person behaves and a human’s own behavior brings consequencesRead MoreBiography of Burrhus Frederic Skinner Essays1329 Words   |  6 PagesBurrhus Frederic Skinner Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born in a small town called Susquehanna, Pennsylvania on March 20, 1904. His dad was a lawyer and his mom was a house wife. Skinner was the typical boy, he enjoyed playing outside and to build things. He created many inventions as a kid. He and a friend made a cabin in the woods and Skinner created a cart with backwards steering. When working for a shoe store he thought of and invention that helped the broom pick up dust. Skinner also invented

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Psychoanalysis The Height Of Academia Essay - 1635 Words

Martin Seligman: Well the state of psychoanalysis wouldn’t exactly put it on a pedestal to measure my work against†¦ Sigmund Freud: What are you proposing? Is Psychoanalysis not the height of academia in your time? Martin Seligman: Only if the height of academia includes the isolation of most psychoanalytic ideas as well as psychoanalysis losing its place within psychiatric education (Hoffman 2010). A lot of psychoanalysis has gone unacknowledged in my era, outside of psychology within pop culture (WYCCWYC). Much of this has to do with your first and only trip to America in 1909, in which you did not leave a very big impact; you had come to â€Å"the land of unbridled optimism† to spread your grand message that the best one could hope for was â€Å"somewhere in the centre of repression and abandon† (Greenberg 2010) Sigmund Freud: America was a land in its infancy, obsessed with the pursuit of happiness that would soon grow to be a compulsion, they were not ready for the â€Å"plague I was bringing them† (harper). Is that all there is to my legacy? Surely my work has secured its place in the grand history of psychology! Martin Seligman: You’re right! In the 50s 60’s, psychoanalysis was the premier method within psychiatry (Hoffman 2010). Within that time, any colleague within the field was likely to find themselves running into one of your theories, and either (a): finding their idea was much less original than they had previously thought, or (b): finding that their idea vehementlyShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagestextbook usefully situates organization theory within the scholarly debates on modernism and postmodernism, and provides an advanced introduction to the heterogeneous study of organizations, including chapters on phenomenology, critical theory and psychoanalysis. Like all good textbooks, the book is accessible, well researched and readers are encouraged to view chapters as a starting point for getting to grips with the field of organization theory. Dr Martin Brigham, Lancaster University, UK McAuley et

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Principal Ethical Philosophies Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Principal Ethical Philosophies. Answer: Introduction: The importance of ethics in business can never be overstated. There is no gain stating the fact that organizational success of a company is not merely determined by the financial statements. Rather, the organizational culture or themanagement philosophy plays an integral role in determining the long-term sustenance of a company. Hence, the moral vision of a company should always be taken into serious consideration. There are two principal ethical philosophies that are usually applied to the business organizations worldwide- Utilitarianism and Deontology (Carroll and Buchholtz 2014). However, the very philosophy underpinning the two theories are highly distinct and contradictory to each other. While on the one hand, Utilitarianism determines the goodness of an action, based on its ability to produce consequences for the greatest number of people, Deontology states that the moral goodness of an action is heavily dependent on its intrinsic value. In other words, even if the end result i s not desirable, the action must be guided by a good motive, and the morality lies in the motive rather than the end result. Any business organization is guided by a set of ethical rules and principles that allow it to safeguard the company from various unethical principles (Bowie 2017). Hence, accordingly it is important to analyze the best ethical practice that the business organizations should adopt in todays world. Discussion: Before analyzing which of the two ethical philosophies can help in enhancing the profitability of a company, it is important to develop an understanding of the two ethical theories in the first place. First of all, as far as Utilitarianism is concerned, the ethical theory was introduced by J. S Mill and others, who believed that the morality of an action is heavily reliant on its ability to maximize the overall utility, and promote maximum welfare (Valentinov 2017). The end should justify the means, and the means will barely matter in case of this ethical theory. Accordingly, as per Utilitarianism, even if a pharmaceutical company is well-aware of the fact, that its drug is producing considerable side-effects for a group of people, it will still continue with its production, as the major group of consumers will be able to cure disease without any side-effect. Thus, this particular theory takes up a consequentialist approach and intends to achieve maximum welfare. On the other hand, D eontologist view states that even if the ultimate end of an action is morally desirable, an action may still not be morally just. An action is ethically correct if the doer has a moral purpose behind it, and as such even if the outcome is not desirable, the action should be encouraged, on ground of morality (Vadastreanu et al. 2015). In this connection, it would be interesting to draw the example of a Marijuana drug seller Eddy Lepp, who produced a distinct drug made from Marijuana that had soothing effects on the nausea problems of the Cancer patients. However, the action was also breaking the law of North California, as marijuana was regarded as an addictive drug. Yet since the drug was introduced with the purpose of relieving the Cancer patients, the non-compliance of Lepp with the regulatory framework of the government of the country would be seen as a moral alternative (Swenson 2016). However, the question still remains that if an organization decides to adhere to moral values, which ethical philosophy should it choose. While discussing about the best moral course of action, it is important to consider the factors which would encourage an organization behave in a morally just way. First of all, once an organization decides to act morally, it can ensure easily value the priorities of the stakeholders- especially the consumers and the employees, which in turn would ensure greater goodwill and higher profitability. A morally strong decision helps an organization enhance its brand recognition, develop customer loyalty, increase employee engagement and ultimately improve its financial position. Considering this, it should be important to understand which of the two above discussed ethical approaches can best serve the needs of the business. The Utilitarianism approach is one where the business tends to be driven by the profit motive. Since the company would aim to achieve the best possible end, often organizations following this approach, would tend to focus on the long-term end, that is the annual profi t, while overlooking the ethical questions in the process (Marques 2015). An organization dealing with cloth retail stores, may instantly decide to quit operating business via the physical stores, and quickly choose to move to the online stores. Now, as per the theory of Utilitarianism, this is highly desirable as it would help in ensuring customer convenience, as well as generating huge profit for the administrative and managerial employees, as well as offering high returns to the investors as well. However, the decision may not be ethically justified as it would eventually lead to the elimination of jobs, and would result in unemployment for a large number of people. However, since Utilitarianism would consider the end result, this decision would be morally permissible, as it would help in boosting the sales growth of the organization, assuring the existent stakeholders of maximum profit and return on investment. The company would tend to overlook the harm it does to a small set o f people, by highlighting the good done to a larger number of people. However, despite the fact that it has helped in maximizing welfare for a large number of people the action cannot be considered to be a morally just. This is because a morally right action would never land, even a small number of people, in unemployment problem. On the other hand, when a business organization intends to follow the Deontological approach, it will aim at ensuring overall well-being, without looking at the consequence. Accordingly, even if the end may not be as profitable as expected, its motive will remain morally justified. Once the very motive is true, it is easier for an organization to sustain itself in future (Sacco et al. 2017). For example, an organization may face intense competition from its rival brands, and hence in order to stay in the competition, it starts offering cheaper and yet low quality products to its consumers at cheaper rates. Initially, it might happen that larger number of customers is buying products from this company, simply owing to its low price strategy. However, since the quality itself is not good, the company will not be able to sustain its competitive position for a long period of time. This is exactly the reason why a good motive was essential here. In case, the organization had a good motive , it would have never be driven by the end result of making higher profit, and would have remained mindful of its own vision-to serve its customers better. As a result, the company would have been able to retain its goodwill as a producer of good quality products in the long run. As and when an organization decides to conduct business staying true to its motive, it can easily develop its business in future. However, when the business is driven by the consequentiality of the issue, it might overlook the ethical obligations it has towards its own stakeholders. This will tend to impede the long-term sustainability of the company (Murphy 2016). This is simply the reason why Deontology as an ethical approach is preferred by many. Another example may be used to illustrate this point. Owing to the sudden increasing gas prices, the then president of Ford, Lee Iaccoca modeled the Ford Pinto, as he wished to rush it into production to compete with the Japanese manufacturers in producing fuel efficient smaller cars. Although during the testing phase, it was being observed that the positioning of the gas tank in the rump of the car left it vulnerable to collisions in rear-end of the car, the fact was dismissed by the company. The reason behind dismissing such an important fact was that the management authority of Ford was driven by a Utilitarianism ethical principle. It was being concluded that since the production of a fuel-efficient car was able to result in greater customer satisfaction, higher return on investments and increased financial revenue, the company could easily do away with its moral responsibility of ensuring consumer safety. While the motive of a car company should have been to ensure safe, high quality cars, Ford miserably failed to adopt a morally sound motive. Now, regardless of the morality question, the consequence of entirely dismissing the importance of working with a good motive, was too hard. In fact, over the following ten years, as many as sixt y people were died in fiery accidents, and needless to state that the consumers became aware of the price they would have to pay if they continue buying this model. This undoubtedly ruined the reputation of the company as well. It is clearly evident that there lies a great danger in applying utilitarianism to business. An organization may be focused on the larger picture, and in the process overlook a crucial factor that can threaten the sustainability of the company in the long run (Gawronski and Beer 2016). On the other hand, Deontological approach is completely based on a set of moral values and ideas, and it is its strong adherence to the same, that will prevent the company from taking a step that will threaten its sustainability in future (Xu et al. 2016). Conclusion: A company driven by the deontological approach will tend to perform the right simply because it is the moral duty of any individual or entity to do the right thing, regardless of the fact whether the ends are favorable or unfavorable. Performing the moral duty is the most important thing as per this approach. Yet one of the drawbacks of this approach is that it tends to undermine the importance of outcome, which can however, threaten the revenue earning capacity of the company (Conway and Gawronski 2013). An organization in order to thrive in a highly competitive market must ensure that it is able to adopt competitive strategies that can help it gain a competitive edge over the other companies. Often companies require reducing the product prices so as to outrival the competition, and the low-price strategy can be profitable when the company does agree to compromise with the quality or quantity of the product (Tenenbaum 2016). Although compromising with safety, as in the case of Ford, is highly unacceptable, yet the company has to be discreet enough where it must adopt strategies that can enhance the profitability, regardless of the morality of the intent. In case an organization is too focused on well-being of each stakeholder, it might end up ruining its own chances of earning huge amount of revenue, which might be compliant with the ideal of a non-profit seeking company, but not a profit-seeking company. There can be no gain stating the fact that deontological approach is the most desirable approach that ensures the equal treatment of each stakeholder, and yet it should be remembered that at times, the approach can appear to be too impractical to be of any use to the managers. On the other hand, since utilitarianism focuses more on the consequence, it pays keen attention to the profitability it helps business managers to make discreet business decisions (Jackson and Smith 2016). To conclude, the idea of business ethics is a new one, and any organization that intends to survive in a competitive market, must adopt an ethical approach to sustain for a long period of time. This, in fact, is precisely the reason more and more organizations are engaging themselves in corporate social responsibility acts. After critically analyzing as well as evaluating both the ethical approaches, it can be said that though both have its drawbacks and benefits, Deontology is far better an ethical theory when needs to be applied to any business practice. Despite its negligence of the end result, it should be remembered that if the business intent is good, an organization will be able to ensure profit in the long run, if not immediately. Deontology, unlike Utilitarianism, strives to enhance equality amongst employees and ensure overall satisfaction of all the stakeholders concerned. Utilitarianism can easily justify employee exploitation or customer deception as part of its strategy for doing good for the larger group, and hence cannot be deemed to be the better alternative. References: Bowie, N.E., 2017.Business ethics: A Kantian perspective. Cambridge University Press. 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